This is evidenced by a title followed by a "No.".
I thought it might be interesting to write about why i'm so fascinated by these certain things in my work.
To start off- i'm going to talk about a more recent theme...
The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines Nocturne as...
"Definition of NOCTURNE
a work of art dealing with evening or night; especially: a dreamy pensive composition for the piano —
French, adjective, nocturnal, from Latin nocturnus
First Known Use: 1814"
(a simple definition in my terms- "ode to the night")
I have always been a night owl. I work at night at a bar and i find i'm most creative after 10pm. Since Annaleah was born, i have almost always only been able to work late into the night while she sleeps. I saw that this started to come through in my work- dark paintings with diffused passages of light and color...
which inspired 2 paintings thus far to be titled "Nocturne".
"Nocturne No.2"
Being that my schedule will most likely remain unchanged, i would expect that this will continue to be a reoccurring theme in my work.
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