Thursday, June 18, 2015

Loving art...

    "Lot's Wife".  Anslem Kiefer

Many artists feel competitive with each other. I suppose that is natural- we're all after the same thing and the chances of any of us reaching it is so small...

I'd be lying if I said that don't look at other artists every once in a while, envious of how far they've gone in their career and wondering what I'm doing wrong...

But I love art!
When I go to an exhibition, the business aspect of art is usually very little on my mind. I want to be moved, enraptured- enticed by the story. I want to engage with the work.

There are many artists that I admire, whose work is very different from mine. 
There are some that are more similar to my work that I seek inspiration from.

One artist has stood out from the rest to me. His paintings are haunting. He works in a wide array of media. I have had the pleasure of seeing a handful of his works in person, but hope to see much more in the future.

Anslem Kiefer.

"His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealized potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects. It is also characteristic of his work to find signatures and/or names of people of historical importance, legendary figures or places particularly pregnant with history. All of these are encoded sigilsthrough which Kiefer seeks to process the past; this has resulted in his work being linked with a style called New Symbolism."

Thank you for your work, Mr. Kiefer.
You have inspired me greatly!

    "Nigredo". Ansley Kiefer

    "Die milchstrasse". Anslem Kiefer

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Google yourself...

This sends me into fits of laughter at the irony...
Every so often I google my company name just to gauge where it's being used and for what- 
Zoom info apparently thinks that I'm doing really really good!
And I am, but not by their estimate...
I'm very, very grateful for the success I've had thus far in my career but at the end of the day I've yet to break even after 11 years as a professional artist and I am definitely my only employee (unless you count my supportive and patient husband, my daughter and friends who have helped me along the way, but have never been paid) 
Too funny...
At least they got the address and website correct ;)

Saturday, June 13, 2015


"Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it."
~Salvador Dali

    "sleep" by Salvador Dali 

“Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man” by Salvador Dali 

Photograph from:

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Tonight I visited the city that I love. 
The cool steel and polished face of money
The gorgeous relics and noisy crowds.
The color and texture of the getto.
Rush to the beat
Umbrella warfare in the rain on busy streets
Every man for himself

Many years ago-
Sitting on the fire escape looking up between the walls at the ticker take.
Whip at your back

Big home 
Nice car
Fine cloths
You are polished, neat and clean.
And at one time I thought that was success.
I spent my money on leather pants, ignored the bills, followed bands and was so lonely....

Up to your elbows in dirt and debt.
Trying to keep up with the weeds
Cherishing the worms, and salamanders.
Ridding the garden of pests.
The beloved sparrow...
Whip at your back

A beautiful child you can never give enough to,
Artwork that you pour yourself over
Instead of sleeping, 
but there's still so much more growth to be had..
People in every facet, needing love and kindness.
An evening when all is quiet and you pray-
For your self, for your family, for everybody who stumbles upon your heart and mind....

Tonight I sit, thankful for life's twists and turns
With so much left to do
Thid work in progress life...
I need every ounce of grace I'm given
And I fear I take too much for granted.
Just desperately trying to keep up.

know I'm living a better life than I could have ever once imagined
In all my fire escape longing...
And despite whatever heartache in the process,
I am finally finding myself "home".