"Lot's Wife". Anslem Kiefer
I'd be lying if I said that don't look at other artists every once in a while, envious of how far they've gone in their career and wondering what I'm doing wrong...
But I love art!
When I go to an exhibition, the business aspect of art is usually very little on my mind. I want to be moved, enraptured- enticed by the story. I want to engage with the work.
There are many artists that I admire, whose work is very different from mine.
There are some that are more similar to my work that I seek inspiration from.
One artist has stood out from the rest to me. His paintings are haunting. He works in a wide array of media. I have had the pleasure of seeing a handful of his works in person, but hope to see much more in the future.
Anslem Kiefer.
"His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealized potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects. It is also characteristic of his work to find signatures and/or names of people of historical importance, legendary figures or places particularly pregnant with history. All of these are encoded sigilsthrough which Kiefer seeks to process the past; this has resulted in his work being linked with a style called New Symbolism."
Thank you for your work, Mr. Kiefer.
You have inspired me greatly!