Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It can be difficult to find your way in something that your heart is invested in.

Through much of my life I've looked for a knight in white shining armor only to learn that the one to really be with is not some gallant, idealistic figure. Instead it is a good man who can meet me where i am and embrace me as such, but also help me to grow.

Though I aim to make a successful business of my art and approach it as a business, it deeply involves my heart. Therefore that same old romantic notion seeps into what should be my business plan. I suspect I am not alone. I imagine other artists hearing stories of wealthy benefactors "adopting" artists swoon, like me, and daydream...

But I do not need saving in the business of my art. i am (thankfulIy) not desperate. i should not let the fact that my heart is so involved in the creation of my work handicap my logic with romantic ideals when it comes to my career. It's one step at a time. It is knocking and looking for the right doors to open.

I believe that I am really supposed to pursue this career in art. How exactly it will progress is a journey in of its self. I need to make sure that I do not idealize anybody in the business sense of things, but instead look for a good fit.

It's funny how the same lessons in life come around again in different ways.

I realize this is a rather personal blog post. I'm putting it out there because I think that other artists may gain insight. Also, I think that those who appreciate my work may like a glimpse into what it's really like for me to do this.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


"The professional loves her work. She is invested in it wholeheartedly. But she does not forget that the work is not her."
From "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield pg.88

Friday, October 5, 2012


We were late in planing it.  Life got in the way for both of us.
On my side of things- that happens easily with a very active and engaging almost 1 year old, my art carear, bartending, and what is this sleep thing people keep mentioning?
It was an unlikely space.  Amidst the storefronts of downtown West Chester, this is one of the places that has remained visually much like the home it once was.  I didn't know what to expect, though i nearly killed myself (and burnt my studio down) to have 4 new pieces on display. I promoted it mainly via facebook and word of mouth. He did the same, but with a cool sign out front all week.
On the third floor, off the beaten track and in a slightly random place to have my art, i had no idea what to expect.
What i recieved tonight was one of the most euphoric exhibiting expieriences of my carear.  Please believe me- my glow must be visible from other planets!
If you are reading this and you were there, please take to heart that you are a very significant part of this.
It was all about the people who came out...
old friends that i've missed,
regular customers from my bar who i truly care for but i might not have realized that the feeling was so mutual,
fellow artists who i greatly respect both in work and character,
supporters of my work that i have not often met in person,
the parents of one of my oldest and dearest friends (one of which has terminal cancer),
strangers, including one man who was incredibly encouraging and insightful about the art world...
all of these wonderful people saught me out in this location and climbed 2 lengthy stair cases to get to it/me/us.
i heard tidbits of insightful conversations about my work but was too busy to easdrop fully.
i am overwhelmed.
i am storing this experience away in my heart.
my aim is to branch outside of this area and ideally grow my buisness so that one day all i will have to is paint and be a good mommy. (and volunteer, maybe teach..) but tonight my town gave back to me so much!
the inspiration and encouragement from tonight makes my heart overflow with gratitude.
such a wonderful night!
thank you.]