Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fantastic paper sculptures...

A great article I found tonight-

Astonishing sculptures made from plain paper

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I'm getting married in 16 days. While trying to keep everything simple, I'm afraid that I've been more distracted than usual from my work. This is a shame because I'm so excited about this new body of work. I suppose that will make me all the more eager to get back into it more fully when the to-do lists no longer include the many things involving the wedding. 

Here's to a wonderful wedding to my dearest, Joel- the father of my child and my best friend . 
And onto everything life holds for us , including my diligence to my artistic calling. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Beauty is marred by ill intent

Oft grace procures a mirror

Illuminate the the lack of love

Peace comes with mercy's tremble.

(During my wind down time- after a busy day and shift bar tending- my brain has been through the gamut of subject matter.  My heart as well. This phrase keeps running through my head...)