Thursday, March 27, 2014

In the middle

There can seem to be no cure for the ache
the desire to do more, better
the hope that maybe someday it won't be so hard...
There is no definite end
Or known exoneration date of the drive
The call...

The only thing seemingly close to a cure is to act
to create
to pray
to give your best
and sometimes just to make due.

To keep going
And choose to enjoy the journey.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


External Image
Exhibition traces the path of Modern art through 50 masterworks by the era's most iconic artists

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Renewal under foot

I get kind of lost when I paint- usually in maddening circles spread over several panels. I build up the paint/wax and scrape down to reveal what is underneath. This is a beautiful aspect of my preferred medium, encaustic. 

A not so nice by product of this process is that my studio floor becomes thick and sticky. Where I do the majority of my work becomes a 6" hill and I am constantly tracking debris into the hallway/common area. 

Tonight I took on the task  prying up half of my small studio's flooring and replacing them with gleaming new rubberized drop cloths. 

It is not easy work, but the end result is reinvigorating! Thank God for my understanding landlord. I'm sure it will be quite an undertaking when I relocate some day.